Three Things You Should Know About Taking Your Dog On A Last-minute Road Trip

Spontaneous weekend road trips add adventure and spice to anyone's usual routine. Hitting the road on the spur of the moment provides an excellent antidote to a bad week at work or school, and it doesn't involve weeks of planning -- you just get in your car and go. However, impromptu trips go more smoothly with a bit of advanced preparation, particularly if furry friends are a part of the picture. Here's how you can help ensure that your spur-of-the-moment weekend road trips are fun and relaxing for both you and your dog. 

Put Together a Small Doggy Travel Bag

Have a small doggy travel bag ready to go when the urge strikes to head out on the road at the last minute. This minimizes the possibility of forgetting important items if you're in a hurry to pack. You should pack temporary food and water bowls, an extra leash, a small amount of food, a blanket, toys, and whatever medication your pet may need while you're on the road. Your doggy travel bag can also act as an emergency supply kit in the event you have to leave your home due to flood, fire, tornado activity, or other natural disasters. 

Make a List of Pet-friendly Lodging Options

A freewheeling spontaneous road trip may quickly become stressful if you can't locate a pet-friendly place to spend the night. Making a list of possibilities within your usual road trip range goes a long way toward eliminating the possibility of being stranded with nowhere to stay because you're traveling with a furry friend. Most chain hotels and motels have apps that you can download that let you check availability and make last-minute reservations. 

Check Out Your Local Dog Boarding Facility 

You should also consider the fact that spontaneous road trips may be more enjoyable for everyone concerned if you leave your furry friend in the hands of a capable dog boarding facility, rather than taking it along for the ride. Keep in mind that if your dog isn't microchipped, you may have a difficult time being reunited should it become lost while you're on the road. There is also the danger involved in leaving your dog in a car while you enjoy a meal in a restaurant or stop to stock up at a grocery store. Some states have specific laws about leaving dogs in cars; and even if yours doesn't, dogs can suffer terribly as a result of car interiors becoming overheated. 

Please don't hesitate to reach out to your local dog boarding facility, such as Animal Care Center of Forest Park, for more information.
